Monday 23 December 2013

New Year's Resolution

Well ... I never used to make one ... this is my first and only:

I will study Hindi for 30 minutes every day, and if I don't manage to do so, I will compensate in the following days.

Let's see ...


Sunday 1 December 2013

A Long Leson after a Long Time

Oh, it took an eternity to complete the whole lesson today! The texts became longer, an I still have to catsch up with my studies. Anyway, no regerets. Just the pleasant feeling that I am advancing!

Lesson 12b
2b -L1, reading, L2, L5, L6 (5) - this left from the last time. I missed the dictation also.

Lesson 13a
5a - L2, L4 (3), L5
5b - L1, L2, L3, L4 (3)
6a - L1, L2 (3)
6b - L1 (5)

Lesson 13b
2b - L6, L7, L8 (3), L9 (3), dictation
3a - L6 (3), L7 (3), dictation
3b - I left it for the next time