Sunday 19 January 2014

Slowly Clearing My Credits

I studied a little bit in the train and also today, here is my study plan:

Lesson 14b


3a - L6, L7, L8 (3), L9, dictation  = 2 credits

3b - L6 (3), L7 (3), dictation
4a - L1, reading, L2, L6 (5), dictation = 4 credits

Lesson 15a
6a - L2, L4 (3), L5 = 1 credit

... still 8 more credits to clear...

Friday 17 January 2014

Hindi, I will beat YOUUUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going Further With Language Credits !!!!!!

So.... daily language study norm is 30 minutes. For every 30 minutes a day I put a stone in a cup, when I do 30 minutes, I take a stone out. It is not perfect, but makes me fulfill my timing. And seeing the stones in the cup has a stimulating effect:)

But ... For today I still have 10 language credits to clear .. :(

Lesson 14a
5b - L2, L4 (3), L5
6a - L1, L2, L3, L4 (3)
6b - L1, L2 (3)
7a - L1 (5)

Lesson 14b
3a - L6, L7, L8 (3), L9 (3), Dictation

Wednesday 8 January 2014

New start in the new year

I missed 6 days (1 to 6 January), so I have 6x30 min credit that I have to clear in the next days. Yesterday 7.01.14 I did 2x30 min. I'm going slowly, but I don't give up... here is my yesterday's lesson:

07.01.14 Lesson 13b (audio)
3b - L1, reading, L2, L5, L6 (5), dictaton

I also started my Anki list for difficult words and gender of nouns.

Hindi, I WILL BEAT YOUUUUUUU  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!