Sunday 30 March 2014

Is Anki good for language learning?

I think, it really is. But... my 2011 HTC is not supporting Devanagari, so I can't really study on the go... And the iPad version is 25$ which I am still not ready to pay before I felt I really need this app.
So the only thing left is to study at home on the computer.
Well. Let's see.

p.s. I found a full set of flashcards for the TY Hindi book, hurray :))))

About debts

I'm back ... again

My contract was extended, we have a new colleague at work, so the nervous days are more or less in the past. I missed exactly 73 of my lessons and I suppose there is no reasonable way to clear this debt ... But I don't give up.
It makes some time after I started thinking about speaking practice. Let's see, how I will be able to arrange it...
Yesterday I was walking in the city listening to lessons 1 to 3... that's all for now.

With love, hope and devotion to Hindi
yours sincerely,

The Lone Soldier