Monday 30 September 2013

Monday Studies

- I read the texts form lesson 11 and 12 (Dymshic) and wrothe the new words into my vocabulary notebook.

P.S. I Read about the Anki application yesterday. Looks fascinating, but I'm mot sure that I will find enough time to write all my words on flashcards. Maybe only the toughest ones?

Saturday 28 September 2013

What I Did This Week

- On Thursday morning I repeated the words from lesson 9 and 10.
- On Friday morning I wrote the half of these words.
- On Saturday and Sunday I finished the other half of these words.

P.S. At the end of my Hindi-Russian dictionary is a very nice short grammar, I found the simple and composite postpositions, I'm so happy!

All about Studying

I feel so good when I study, I love all of these strange letters, I get crazy with the feeling, that I can read them and I actually understand what I am reading! I love studying... it is just hard to start!

- Make study plan
- Fix study time
- Write
- Study mornings

The two most important rules:
- Sleep early

- LIMIT TV!!!!!! It's a huge distraction!!!

P.S. Will I ever understand this???
Jab lohe ka kam karke koii TaTa aur juuton ka kam karke koii baTa ban saktaa hee, to fir ham jiTlle kyon beeTe hein?

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Starting with Text Reading

Well, Monday's duty didn't really leave me much time free - at least not some when my head was clear enough to learn. I read a Hindi text going to work - it was actually the text from lesson 9, with the exercises after it. I need to learn the words from the text, because I have difficulties with the genders. Yes, an I have to write those exercises too.
So it is Tuesday and I need to go on with the text and exercises from lesson 10 - let's see how much of this I will do.

P.S. I'm also practicing my English by writing this blog:)

Sunday 22 September 2013

Learning Hindi: The Books

- So, as before every big study, I need first to plan WHAT and WHEN I will study.
- I find that books with deep and systematic approach may take more study time, but they give more knowledge and it all pays back later.
- I chose two books: the Hindi manual of Dymshic from 1980 and the Hindi manual of Ulciferov from 2006. Both are accepted as study material at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. The book of Dymshic is more detailed and focused on grammar, it has also more exersises and texts are longer, so I think I will use it as a primary study book. The manual of Uliciferov will be as a support for texts and exersises.
- I need to print out a part of the Dymshic manual, because I need sometimes to write inside the book, and it is more comfortable to read from a page than from the screen.
- Study starting tomorrow! Even though I have a duty:)


Saturday 21 September 2013

Getting started: 30 Minute Language - Concept

- I studied many languages in my life, and I studied them in very different ways.
- I believe that 30 minutes a day make more than 7x30 minutes a week.
- Here I will post my daily progress in language studying.