Sunday 22 September 2013

Learning Hindi: The Books

- So, as before every big study, I need first to plan WHAT and WHEN I will study.
- I find that books with deep and systematic approach may take more study time, but they give more knowledge and it all pays back later.
- I chose two books: the Hindi manual of Dymshic from 1980 and the Hindi manual of Ulciferov from 2006. Both are accepted as study material at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. The book of Dymshic is more detailed and focused on grammar, it has also more exersises and texts are longer, so I think I will use it as a primary study book. The manual of Uliciferov will be as a support for texts and exersises.
- I need to print out a part of the Dymshic manual, because I need sometimes to write inside the book, and it is more comfortable to read from a page than from the screen.
- Study starting tomorrow! Even though I have a duty:)


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