Sunday 24 November 2013

After a Break

I slowly continue with my studies. Today I did the second part of lesson 12 (e.g. Lesson 12b):

2a - L2, L5, L6 (5)   -  left from the previous lesson

1b  - L6, L7, L8 (3), L9 (3), dictation
2a - L7 (3), dictation
2b - I didn't do

Friday 22 November 2013

Hard to Go Further!

I finished lesson 12a on 16.11.13 and started to work again. And... until then I don't get any time to go further. So, I confessed... and I promise to find time!

So this I did for last:
4b - L2, L4 (3), L5
5a - L1, L2, L3, L4 (4)
5b - L1, L2 (3)
6a - L1 (5)

1b - L6, L7

Friday 15 November 2013

My Modified Pronunciation Exercises

So! Most important to me is to speak correctly, that's why it is crucial to use all your means in order to achieve this result. The available resources are text and audio, that's why let's use them wisely!

L1 - start with endless listening to the text (usually while traveling, just to save time and to keep from being bored). It must stick like caramel to your teeth. You must almost hate it. Listening is important even if you did the text already. You must finish by keeping it in mind with all his intonations and pronunciations, it must turn almost to a song, you must be able to recite it at any moment. Apart from learning intonations and pronunciation, you are also learning new words and standard phrases. A text is a treasure.
- Reading aloud.
L2 - First read the text aloud (trains reading skills). Then listen to the text while reading it (not aloud).
L4 - If translation is still not clear, listen to the text once, reading the translation.
L5 - Listen to the text once without the book or the translation
L6 - Most important pronunciation exercise! Read the text once. Then listen to one phrase, then repeat it while reading. You may repeat a phrase several times until you are not happy with your pronunciation. Do it till the end of the text.
- Dictation - 3 times in 3 different days.
L7 - Repeat phrase after phrase with audio, but without a book.
L8 - Read the text without the audio.
L9 - First read one phrase, then listen to the audio. Do it till the end of the text.
L10 - Voice recording while listening +- reading, after hearing the audio (phrase per phrase)
L11 - Voice recording while listening +- reading , but before hearing the audio (phrase per phrase)
L11a - Voice recording without listening or reading
L12 - Repeating of standard phrases in real time situations

And my preliminarily program:   L1, L12 - whenever there is time
A - L6 (1), Dictation, L7, L8, L9
B - L6 (3), L7 (2-3), Dictation
C - L1, Reading, L2, +- L4, L5, L6 (5), Dictation

Let's see if it works!

Torn Between

Torn between listening and pronunciation! I definitely will have to split these two exercises (as I did with my cardio and weights training at the fitness). I also need to modify the pronunciation exercises, because, to my opinion, this part of the studies must be done very meticulously and carefully. Understanding is all about pronunciation, isn't it?
I have got so bored today that I didn't finish the pronunciation part. So that's my study plan:

1) 4a - L2, L4 (3), L5
* as a standard I add reading to L2 and translation to L4
4b - L1, L2, L3, L4 (3)
5a - L1, L2 (3)
5b - L1, L2 (5) (I just felt too powerful:)

2) 1a - L7, L8, L9
1b - L6 (2), L7
* I couldn't do all the repetitions needed and I didn't do text 2a too

L7 - repeating the text with audio, but without a book
L8 - reading without audio
L9 - reading with audio, but in advance to (before) the audio

Thursday 14 November 2013

It's Taking Too Much Time!

Wow, I checked the study time - it took me around 2 hours (11:00 to 13:00) to complete the today's program. I am happy for studying for such a long itme, but I will not have the chance once I will start working on Monday! I need to divide the tasks somehow ... One hour is still realitic, but not more...

1) 3b - L2 + reading, L4 (3) + translation, L5
4a - L1, L2  +reading, L3, L4 (4)
4b -  L1, L2 (3)
5a - L1 (5)

2) 1a - L6, L7
1b - L2, L5, L6 (5)
L7 - repeating with listening, but without looking at the text

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Second Part of the First Level

From today I will add the reading and repeating to my studies. This is the second part of the first level in the UMIN method. What I did today:

1) 3a - L2, L4 (3), L5
3b - L1, L2, L3, L4 (3) + reading, + direct translation from word-to-word translation
4a - L1, L2 (3) + reading
4b - L1, L2 (5) + reading

2) 1a - L2, L5, L6 (5) + dictation
L6 - repeating of the text using the book after listening to the phrase

I feel like I will do it !!!!!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Two Lessons in a Day

I missed my studies yesterday (I only listened to 2a, 2b, 3a), so I compensated by doing two lessons today instead of one. Here is the plan:

2a - L2, L4 (3) + oral translation, L5
2b - L1, L2, L3, L4 (3) + oral translation
3a - L1, L2 (3)
3b - L1 (5)

And the second lesson:
2b - L2, L4 (3), L5
3a - L1, L2, L3, L4 (5) + oral translation
3b - L1, L2 (5) + reading
4a - L1 (5) + reading

Sunday 10 November 2013

I'm Moving On

I'm so happy to continue with my studies that I even do more repetitions than needed! It is such a pleasure to feel, that in minutes I can understand and repeat completely unknown words and phrases in Hindi, and all this without a teacher! What can I say, I love this method! UMIN is what you need in language studies!

What I did today:
1b - L2, L4 (5), L5 (3)
2a - L1, L2 (5), L3, L4 (5) + oral translation to Hindi
2b - L1, L2 (5)
3a - L1 (5)

Saturday 9 November 2013

The Second Day

Today's plan (completed):
1a - L2, L4, L5
1b - L1, L2 (3), L4 (6)
2a - L1, L2 (5)
2b - L1 (5)
L5 - listening without text or translation

p.s. I also listened to the 1b audio for 30 minutes today.

I should add some sports to my brain activity...
Here is the new run-and-read device, Indian patent:)

Friday 8 November 2013


Oh, I am finally satisfied with my studies! I feel the progress and I see the perspectives!
Zamyatkin was way too boring; all these endless repetitions of the same text that make you feel sleepy, with no notion of progress... Anyway, I must admit, there are things in his method that actually work: the "ïntoxicating" repetition of the text (in the free time!) that makes you remember it and to notice the smallest changes in the tone, and also the very well explained tactic to set up your pronunciation while repeating the text. Otherwise, it sounds good, but doesn't work for me.
So I came back to Umin, yesterday I read the  study plan one more time and wrote it down. I have 3 6texts with audio in the "Teach yourself Hindi" book, let them be my training texts. I restarted my studies today.

Lesson 1 - Listening and translation of text 1a - done long ago in the Zamyatkin times:)
Lesson 2
1a - L1, L2, L3, L4
1b - L1 (5)
Lesson 3
1a - L1, L2, L4 (3)
1b - L1, L2 (3)
2a - L1 (5)
1a - dictation
L1 - listening
L2 - listening with reading
L3 - word-to-word translation
L4 - listening while reading the translation

I added myself the dictation, it is not in any method, I just feel comfortable writing things and I want to write correctly (it helps also for the better reading and remembering of the words). According to my experience it should be done after you listened and translated the text, and better also after you started reading it, so you will remember the right reading of each word.

My New Pocket Book for Learning Hindi!

As long as all my books are in electronic format, this is a relief, that I finally have got a true paper book for studying Hindi! And what a book! All common expressions are there. I am amazed.
I will use it like a "dessert"to my daily studies, I will also carry it in my bag and read it whenever I travel.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Further ...

I did the next two lines today, listened and repeated, though not for so long, maybe for half an hour. It is too late and I can't stop myself from yawning. Concentrating seem to be the most difficult problem to solve in this study method. I will review the similar methods to search for solutions...

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Going on

I am finally continuing with my studies:

40 minutes of listening to the first text,
Repeating the first two lines of the text (out of 8 lines),
an finally a dictation on all of the text ... still with mistakes.

It is now clear, that  that the previous studying exercise is preparing for the next one. I am so happy that I am progressing, I will not give up!
p.s. And it is still very difficult to study, especially to concentrate, because the tasks are so monotonous...