Friday 15 November 2013

My Modified Pronunciation Exercises

So! Most important to me is to speak correctly, that's why it is crucial to use all your means in order to achieve this result. The available resources are text and audio, that's why let's use them wisely!

L1 - start with endless listening to the text (usually while traveling, just to save time and to keep from being bored). It must stick like caramel to your teeth. You must almost hate it. Listening is important even if you did the text already. You must finish by keeping it in mind with all his intonations and pronunciations, it must turn almost to a song, you must be able to recite it at any moment. Apart from learning intonations and pronunciation, you are also learning new words and standard phrases. A text is a treasure.
- Reading aloud.
L2 - First read the text aloud (trains reading skills). Then listen to the text while reading it (not aloud).
L4 - If translation is still not clear, listen to the text once, reading the translation.
L5 - Listen to the text once without the book or the translation
L6 - Most important pronunciation exercise! Read the text once. Then listen to one phrase, then repeat it while reading. You may repeat a phrase several times until you are not happy with your pronunciation. Do it till the end of the text.
- Dictation - 3 times in 3 different days.
L7 - Repeat phrase after phrase with audio, but without a book.
L8 - Read the text without the audio.
L9 - First read one phrase, then listen to the audio. Do it till the end of the text.
L10 - Voice recording while listening +- reading, after hearing the audio (phrase per phrase)
L11 - Voice recording while listening +- reading , but before hearing the audio (phrase per phrase)
L11a - Voice recording without listening or reading
L12 - Repeating of standard phrases in real time situations

And my preliminarily program:   L1, L12 - whenever there is time
A - L6 (1), Dictation, L7, L8, L9
B - L6 (3), L7 (2-3), Dictation
C - L1, Reading, L2, +- L4, L5, L6 (5), Dictation

Let's see if it works!

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